17/03/2009 4:37pm
KUALA LUMPUR 17 Mac - Lembaga Disiplin UMNO mendapati Naib Ketua Pemuda UMNO, Khairy Jamaluddin bersalah dan diberi surat amaran. Manakala bekas Menteri Besar Selangor, Datuk Seri Dr. Mohamad Khir Toyo didapati tidak bersalah.
- Utusan_________________________________________________________
... lama dulu 2004
Putrajaya Umno Youth chief Ahmad Zaki Zahid, who is also the PM's Special Officer, has been found guilty of money politics by the party's disciplinary committee, little birds told Screenshots today.
He was found to have contravened Section 2.2 of the Umno's Code of Ethics but is let off with only a warning.
Zaki used to be associated with Booz Allen Hamilton, and Ethos Consulting, a consulting setup now defunct business magazine founded by Khairy Jamaluddin and friends.
Kata Zaki dalam The Star:
I am very sad because I did not do anything wrong.